What is cryptocurrency? How it works | Financial Greedy

What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that can be used for trading or as a virtual form of payment. It used cartography to keep the processes secure, which involve generating units, conducting transactions, and verifying the transfer of currency ownership. Modern currencies are usually referred to as fiat currencies,” which are secured and … Read more

Crypto news alerts | Bitcoin and XRP 2023

Introduction On a daily basis, a lot of changes occur in the crypto market related to the lawsuit, finance, prices, firms, investors, and many other sectors. Today we will cover the news related to each and every sector that occurred this week. 1: Hong Kong Regulators Host Round Table To Discuss Boost For Crypto Firms: … Read more

How Can Cryptocurrency Be Regulated? Why is it needed?

Introduction  Rules and regulations are a must in every part of human society. No matter what kind of country, people, society, or other kind of community there is throughout the world, each and every one of them has some kind of rule that must be followed. This is for an efficient working environment for the … Read more

Is crypto market manipulation illegal? Methods and Measures

INTRODUCTION        A hard-to-believe truth that is unknown to a lot of people, including a large number of investors, is that manipulation of the cryptocurrency market is possible. A lot of talk about it can be heard through experts or on Youtube videos where they agree that such illegal acts are on the rise around the … Read more


Is cryptocurrency a good investment? A range of factors are considered when beginners invest in crypto. Following is a summary of key points that every beginner should know: Why is cryptocurrency a good investment in 2023? We aim to answer if you should invest in cryptocurrency or not, and there are many good factors that … Read more