What is finance? Why is it important? | Financial Greedy


Finance refers to the process of generating funds or capital for business expenses. Companies, the public, and the government do not have funds for their operations, daily expenses, or other needs for which they either sell part of their assets or borrow money.

While savers and investors are the complete opposite of each other, They either accumulate or invest money to earn interest or dividends. The funds can be saved as savings deposits or savings and loan shares, whereas investments in equity shares, assets, or other options can be made, which can provide a source of investment funds.

These funds are channelled through finance in the form of credit, loans, or capital to business entities that are in dire need of funds or can produce the best outcome. Financial institutions that act as middlemen and channel funds between savers and users are called intermediaries. Such intermediaries include banks, savings and loan institutions, and non-bank institutions such as credit unions, insurance companies, financing companies, and investment companies.


3 Broad Areas of Finance

Finance has been developed into three specific parts: business finance, personal finance, and public finance, and each of them has different institutions, processes, goals, and standards. Developed countries have already established an elaborate structure of financial markets and institutions that are in existence to fulfil the needs of these areas. Let’s go deep into each of these categories:

1. Business Finance

Business finance refers to the use of quantitative information provided by accounting, statistics, and economic theory in order to accomplish the goals of a company. The basic decision involves the estimation of future assets and combined funds for expenditure. Commercial financing includes short-term credit like trade credit, bank loans, and commercial paper, whereas long-term funding is obtained by selling securities in the financial market.

Business finance has two types, which further have sub-types:

Debt Financing

Equity Financing

2. Personal Finance

Personal finance includes dealing with family budgets, investing personal savings, and utilising consumer credit. Mortgages are obtained from commercial banks or loan associations to buy homes, while funds for buying consumer goods can be obtained from banks and financial companies. Charge accounts and credit cards are other forms of short-term credit that are extended to consumers by banks. During emergencies, small cash loans can be received at banks, financial companies, or credit unions.

Personal finance has 10 types:

3. Public Finance

The position and significance of government funds rose greatly after the Great Depression of the 1930s in Western countries. The aftereffects of this situation have resulted in the taxation of public expenditures, and public debt now greatly affects a nation’s economy. Government expenditures can be financed through various means, and the main source is taxes. The government had to borrow in order to capitalise on their loss, which resulted in public debt. Mostly, such public debt consists of market securities issued by the authorities.

Purpose of finance

The objective of finance is to provide assistance to individuals, companies, the government, and firms in managing and efficiently using money for maximum productive output. In the absence of proper management and use of financial resources, the startup or expansion of any business will crumble. Thus, well-managed financial support is required for every financial entity.

Let’s take a look at an example. A typical business firm has various departments such as financing, marketing, sales, planning, or accounting, and some additional areas like customer service and administrative. Out of all, financing is the most significant one, as it is related to all money-related matters. For example, if the sales department is working hard for higher profits but the financing department declares that the finances are being invested in excess or not used fully productively, then the whole operation is just for nothing. Thus, communication with the monetary department is necessary before taking any steps.

At the national level, a deficit in funds can cause uproar in the economy and affect the lives of the citizens. This has led to an increase in awareness related to financial topics among citizens, the government, and businesses.

Why is finance so important for business?

The requirement for capital in business is known to all businesses. Whether it’s a product-selling company or a service provider, capital is needed to turn a profit. Either you can fund it yourself or take help from external sources such as grants, loans, and credit. Thus, there is no denial that you can choose your finances, and they play a major part in your business. Some of the key points are:

Generate Profit

It is clear that you need money to generate money in any kind of business. To start a business, some kind of capital investment is required, but this is not the final use of finance.

Not only small or new businesses, but well-known businesses also need capital for many steps such as the purchase of materials, employment hiring, marketing, and product development. All these factors depend on the type and amount of resources you can acquire.

In the event of insufficient funds, the operation and consistency of the business will stop.

Facilitate business expansion

To be a successful business, consistent growth and expansion must occur. Development of new products and involvement in new markets are examples of this. All this is impossible without capital.

With an inefficient financing structure, a business will not grow, and the business will be left with useless financial resources that will be wasted. Thus being left behind while other businesses make progress.

Attaining long-term goals

Having long-term objectives in business provides collaborative targets for different fields to work towards as a team. These goals, after being achieved, help in growth and also increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

But with low financial resources, the target cannot be achieved. For this, external sources such as loans or grants are used to fulfil the company’s goal.

Enable operations

Surplus is generated on a daily basis by small and large businesses and is used for expenses such as bills, business activities, or employee salaries. In the absence of finance, the business will not be able to operate.

If it is not managed properly, the allocation of financial resources becomes difficult, and businesses are unable to trade.

Sustain through severe economic conditions

The economic climate can be a roller coaster for companies. This involves the recession and depression of every business. There are always many ups and downs in business, as some ideas may fail while others become successful.

Preparation for such situations and economic threats is the most efficient way to tackle the issue and be a successful company. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have enough financial support to face challenging times. This needs financial management to make sure that you have accurate plans for your future business.


Finance is a broad term that encompasses a variety of activities. But in the end, it all comes down to the management of money, like spending, receiving, and other aspects like borrowing and investing. In addition to activities, it also has tools and instruments related to money.

It involves something as large as a nation’s deficit or as little as dollar bills in an individual’s wallet. Without it, no function will fully work at the individual or national level.


How can I learn finance?

You can learn about finance by either taking a job in a company’s financial department or by taking an offline or online course.

What is the difference between banking and finance?

Banking and finance both refer to the management of money by investing or saving in banks or financial institutions, but both are very different. Banking is the activity that takes place only in banks, whereas the latter includes all issues related to financial resources or markets.

Which sources are most efficient for financing?

Usually, for the startup of a business, funds from personal savings, venture capital, and commercial loans are the best forms of finance.

Which long-term source is best for capitalization?

Equity capital is the most efficient long-term financial source as it represents interest-free perpetual capital and is raised by private or public routes.

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